E049: Connor from Ridge: Artificial Newness, Channel Activation, Content Planning, Pricing Strategy
YouTube VideosMarch 27, 202401:00:41

E049: Connor from Ridge: Artificial Newness, Channel Activation, Content Planning, Pricing Strategy

02:00 Preparing for Father's Day
07:14 Content Planning and Pricing Strategy
11:11 Media Mix and Channel Activation
29:45 Channel Diversification and Crop Rotation
32:39 Initial Wins and Marketing Strategy
33:36 Challenges with Meta Platforms
35:09 Identifying Issues and Taking Action
36:08 Reallocating Budgets and Measuring Incremental Lift
38:47 The Importance of CPM and Channel Diversification
44:12 Building Redundancy and Expanding Product Categories
51:07 Creating Artificial Newness and Leveraging Influencers
52:19 The Importance of Off-Platform Metrics and International Markets

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