E079: The Pro’s and Con’s of being a CEO
OPERATORSOctober 23, 2024x
01:10:5764.96 MB

E079: The Pro’s and Con’s of being a CEO

00:00 Introduction

06:01 Engagement with Sports Teams

09:49 Understanding Sports Audience Demographics

12:07 The Challenges of Sponsorships

15:49 Navigating College Sports and NIL Opportunities

19:57 The CEO Experience: Challenges and Responsibilities

23:50 The Pressure of Growth and Expectations

28:07 Managing People and Organizational Growth

31:50 The Complexity of Team Dynamics

35:05 Firing and Organizational Fit

35:35 Navigating Difficult Conversations as a CEO

39:15 The Hedonic Treadmill and Human Resilience

41:31 The Loneliness of Leadership

45:19 Understanding History and Critical Thinking

51:11 Managing Career Trajectories in a Costly Environment

01:02:27 The Cost of Living Crisis and Its Implications

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Mochary Method Curriculum: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18FiJbYn53fTtPmphfdCKT2TMWH-8Y2L-MLqDk-MFV4s/edit?tab=t.0#

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