Matthew Bertulli

Matthew Bertulli

CEO - Pela

Matthew Bertulli is known for his dynamic career in the realms of technology and commerce. With a strong educational foundation, he honed his skills at Laurentian University.

Bertulli's career trajectory was marked by innovation and leadership as he co-founded Demac Media, a renowned e-commerce agency that played a pivotal role in transforming businesses' online presence. He sold his first company after bootstrapping it to 100+ employees over 10 years. His expertise led him to further heights when he co-founded Pela, an eco-conscious lifestyle brand that gained international acclaim for its sustainable products. He then founded Lomi technology company specializing in developing innovative solutions for sustainable waste management and recycling.

Matthew Bertulli's journey exemplifies a seamless blend of education, ingenuity, and business acumen, leaving an indelible mark on both the tech and sustainability sectors.

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